November 2013

Royal Decree (RD) 506/2013 Fertilisers

This national RD requires us to have an internal quality control system.

Atlántica Agrícola, S.A., as fertiliser manufacturer, must fulfil a number of requirements. These requirements include the following:

  • Qualified personnel responsible for quality control
  • Laboratory for analytical testing
  • Quality control plan that provides procedures, periodicity and frequency of sampling and analysis of both the raw materials and final products.

Furthermore, it is important to have a traceability system in place, as it is a vital monitoring mechanism. In this way, all of the raw materials and final products are identified. Thanks to this process, we are able to know the origin and destination of each of our products, in addition to the different batches of raw materials from which they are made.

Therefore, we can identify the products’ route using our implemented traceability system:

  • Origin of the components
  • Processes applied to the product
  • Distribution and location after delivery