Fitomare Line

Fitomare Bio

Fitomare Bio is a vegetable eco-activator based on seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum), whose hormonal and nutrient contents provide excellent results. This product contains different natural phytohormones (cytokinins and betaines) as well as macro and microelements present in the seaweed, which stimulate numerous physiological processes in crops.

1,5 % w/w
Alginic acid
0,5 % w/w
Fruit trees and banana tree
  • 200 – 300 cc/100L. Foliar
  • 3 – 4 L/ha. Fertirrigation


(Do not mix with oils, sulfur, copper products or acid reaction products).

  • 200 – 300 cc/100L. Foliar
  • 2 – 3 L/ha. Fertirrigation


(Do not mix with oils, sulfur, copper products or acid reaction products).

  • 250 – 300 cc/100L. Foliar
  • 2 L/ha. Fertirrigation


(Do not mix with oils, sulfur, copper products or acid reaction products).

  • 200 cc/100L. Foliar


(Do not mix with oils, sulfur, copper products or acid reaction products).

  • 100 cc/100L. Foliar
  • 2 L/ha. Fertirrigation


(Do not mix with oils, sulfur, copper products or acid reaction products).

1 L
5 L
*Note: These doses are indicative. The user is responsible for reducing or increasing the dose according to the vegetative state of the plant and the characteristics of the crop soil. This product should be applied with the guidance of an Agricultural Technician. For recommendations on specific doses, check with your local dealer or representative. The composition, method of application and dose of the products may vary from country to country due to climatic, technical and/or legal conditions.


Innovation is one of our fundamental strengths.