Soil Conditioners

Cator Eco

Cator Eco is a liquid organic soil amendment from vegetal origin based on fulvic acids. Fulvic acids increase the population of beneficial microorganisms of the soil, improving their biological properties.

35 % p/p
Total organic matter
2,5 % p/p
Total nitrogen (N)
4 % p/p
Potassium oxide (K2O)
Dose* per application
All crops
  • Fertirrigation: 50-250 L/ha.
*Note: These doses are indicative. The user is responsible for reducing or increasing the dose according to the vegetative state of the plant and the characteristics of the crop soil. This product should be applied with the guidance of an Agricultural Technician. For recommendations on specific doses, check with your local dealer or representative. The composition, method of application and dose of the products may vary from country to country due to climatic, technical and/or legal conditions.


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