December 2018

Final Sprint of the year for Atlántica Agrícola

Atlántica Agrícola did not miss its appointment with three of the most important events of the sector in the final stretch of 2018. Colombia, Mexico and Turkey were the countries where we had the opportunity to present our wide range of products and solutions for professional agriculture. We talk about NewAG Biocontrol LATAM, Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato and Growtech Eurasia.

In this brief review, we analyze the importance of these reference events based on the specific theme of each of them, as well as the large numbers related to the number of attendees, speakers, participating companies, and their potential for generating business with the goal of responding to the great challenges of the future of the global agri-food sector.

– NEW AG BIOCONTROL LATAM (14-16th November, Colombia).

 Stand Atlántica Agrícola Convención Biocontrol LATAM 2018 Patrocino Almuerzo Biocontrol LATAM 2018


Evento Bioplaguicidas Irapuato Noviembre 2018

After the success of the first edition, held in 2016 in Brazil where more than 350 delegates from 24 countries attended, the Colombian city of Medellín became the headquarters of Biocontrol LATAM 2018 Conference & Exhibition, organized by NEW AG INTERNATIONAL.

More than 25 renowned speakers and specialists from 12 countries participated in the program of technical conferences, where the most hot topics of the sector were addressed:

  • Biocontrol global market.
  • Biocontrol market in Latin America.
  • Main trends of this industry in Latin America.
  • Legislation and regulations, with special emphasis on those of Latin America.
  • Biocontrol as a business, adoption by producers and distributors.
  • Do biocontrol and biostimulants go hand in hand?
  • Production and formulation of biological products and emerging technologies in microbial products, natural extracts and semi-chemicals.

Parallel to the celebration of the technical sessions, Biocontrol LATAM had an exhibition space where up to 36 relevant companies in the biocontrol sector participated actively with their own stand. As it could not be another way, the Atlántica Agrícola’s team was presenting our Biopesticides line under the slogan “Plants healing plants”

Finally, the last day of the convention, all attendees enjoy a fantastic closing catering sponsored by Atlántica Agrícola where organizers, speakers, companies and participants could make contacts and establish synergies.

From Atlántica Agrícola we are very proud to have contributed as Silver Sponsor to this event, which has become the largest international event on Biocontrol in Latin America.



Stand Atlántica Agrícola feria Agroexpo 2018

The Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato is an event held in Irapuato that has been held since 1996, this fair is focused on making business contacts between companies in the agricultural, horticultural and agro-industrial sectors.

In its 23rd edition, the Expo Agroalimentaria has had the participation of more than 15 nations, highlighting the commercial pavilions of Chile, Canada, Holland, Spain, Israel and the United States, where numerous companies showed their solutions and agricultural inputs to more than 120 thousand attendees who met this 2018. The team of Atlántica Agrícola Mexicana, located with its stand on the Pabilion A, had the opportunity to present all our novelties in nutrition, biostimulation and crop bioprotection to attendees during the four days that the event lasted.

In parallel to the celebration of the Expo Agroalimentaria, the latest presentation of our new line of biopesticides in Mexico also took place in Irapuato, which was a great success and brought together more than 100 people. This presentation was the final touch to the round of presentations that Atlántica Agrícola Mexicana has been carrying out this year around different parts of the country such as Ensenada, Colima, Guadalajara and Zamora. After the different technical talks and presentation of our products, there was a surprise for the attendees: a simulated casino with AA letters with which we ended a truly exciting day. 

In the words or our colleagues form Atlántica Agrícola Mexicana, Ing. Emmanuel Gómez and Ing. José Cabello: “As a representation of Atlántica Agrícola México, we consider that our presence in Irapuato was a resounding success. We are very satisfied with the development of this great event where we have been able to verify that we have a total acceptance of our products by the attendees”

– GROWTECH EURASIA (27-30th November, Turkey).

  Stand Atlántica Agrícola feria Growtech 2018

Atlántica Agrícola, through Agragex Spain, participated in this great fair of reference for agro-industrial market of Turkey, that managed to bring together more 800 exhibitors from 30 countries and up to 85,000 agricultural professionals from more than 85 countries for four days in Antalya under the slogan: “The global commitment of agriculture and technology.” The Agragex Spain exhibition space, where Atlantica Agrícola was located, became a permanent meeting point for the meeting with clients and distributors from Turkey and neighboring countries.

Jaime Hernani, general director of Agragex, said that “Turkey is a market of 80 million inhabitants with a very interesting geographical position in order to address other markets in the Middle East such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and even Iran.” According to the head of the Association, “the south of Turkey is very agricultural and, in recent years, its agriculture has evolved in a very similar way to the spanish regions of Murcia and Almeria. Little by little, it is becoming another supplier of fruits and vegetables for the European Union.” 
