October 2019

Atlantica Agricola will give a lecture at the Biostimulants World Congress

As some of you may know, Atlantica Agricola is Gold Sponsor of the 4th Biostimulants World Congress, an event organised two times a year by New Ag Internactional magazine. The Congress will take place from the 18th to the 21st of november 2019 at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, in Barcelona. The biggest experts in the agricultural biostimulants field worldwide will gather at the Biostimulants World Congress, and we are honored to be able to colaborate on this ocassion, boosting the event and supporting the development of the biostimulants sector.

As part of our sponsorship, the director of our I+D+i deparment, Ernesto Alejandro Zavala, will give a lecture focusing on the Study of tolerance to salt stress by different biostimulants on tomato plants and Arabidopsis.

The lecture will be given on the 19th of november, at 16:30, and it will take place in Track 2, a place that will be dedicated to activities related to commerce. Ernesto Alejandro Zavala has an impresive scientific background, with a PhD on Food Science and a post doctorate on Plant Pathology Group. Considering this, our I+D+i director will share his knowledge about plants health and biostimulants innovations with the audience. Here, you can read a little teaser about the main points that will be developed at the conference:

Study of tolerance to salt stress by different Biostimulants on tomato and Arabidopsis

Abiotic stresses such as soil salinity, drought and high temperatures severely affects crops establishment, growth and yield, leading to substantial economical losses. Biostimulants of Atlantica Agricola are formulated with different components such as seaweed extracts, amino acids, macro and microelements and other, with the aim to improve plant growth and development and so cope with the negative effects of abiotic stresses. The aim of this work was to evaluate soil and foliar applications of different formulations of biostimulants on the tolerance to salt stress of different tomato and Arabidopsis plants. Tomato and Arabidopsis plants were grown on inert substrate inside a growth chamber. Plantlets were irrigated with nutritional ATM or Hogland solution supplemented NaCl solution ranged with 30-150 mM. Three weeks after treatments, plants were harvested, frozen immediately in liquid N2 and stored at ?80 °C before use. Photosynthesis (rate of net CO2 assimilation ACO2 and stomatal conductance gs), vegetative growth, organic solutes (proline and reducing sugars), and oxidative damage (MDA) were quantified. Additionally, the expression patterns of different genes involved in photosynthesis, oxidation-reduction processes, and several transcription factors were evaluated and confirmed by qRT-PCR. With this data it was concluded that application of biostimulants increased salt tolerance of tomato and Arabidopsis plants. These plants had a larger vegetative growth due to a better functioning of physiological processes, and enhancing of antioxidant stress. qRT-PCR study reports that Biostimulant application regulated genes expression related with salt tolerance in plants, and this regulation was olny observed in salinized plants receiving biostimulant application. Ernesto A. Zavala-González; Silvia Simón-Grau; Rafael Pérez Millán; Santiago Laserna; Francisco García-Sánchez

You can download the PDF abstract here.

Once the Congress is over, we will share with you the full essay of the lecture, with pictures and data included. Meanwhile, whe encourage you to keep up with our social media and the hashtag #BiostimulantsWorldCongress.
